Using the TV's
Action Video Program Menu
buttons window information options
About the GUIDE Plus+ System
The GUII)E Plus+ system is an interacth,e
schedules | for _,o1.11' :uua | aFtd all+.)ws | your | "IW L_irect control | t)fa ca_)}e | h()x | alld/Of |
VCR. You tntist first set up the GUII)E Phts+ '.(enu system in order to view this
There are six suctions of the GI.'IDE Phts+ system:
•A row of Action bnmms at tile top of the screen ( l. 2 and .{)
•Video window
•Progranl inI}.)nl/ation
•A row of mentt opttotls fG;irL Snr/. ,\ews 3'chud///e. :l/6<';..;g/t{es, Chatl*wls, Selz@)
•Channel listings
•Promotional information
Note: | The | GUIDE | Plus+ | {l'stem | scree+ts il/.strated | i*+ this | book | are | |
representations | of | whal | yot+ are | h'ke{y | 1o s+.e. +&btall | cba+znels, | pro_grams, | ||
and | GUIDE | Plus+ | b+furmalio+z | depicted | will be a+'a/lahle | tJz yore" area. |
New features and options ca*+ be dot+'lUoaded to the G{ 7Dk +Plus+
system, so these too are subjectgo cha*l+q,e.
Since the program information provided by the GUIDE Plus+ system is based on your locale, you will need to run Setup again if you move to a different zip or postal code.
Downloading Data
The GUIDE Plus+ system is not available until it completes its first download of program listings. When the power is turl'led off, tile TV locates a "host channel" that carries GUIDE Plus+ systet+a data containing program schedule and channel lineup information. A channel lineup is the list of stations and their respective channels.
To ensure that your first download of data is complete, you should leave your TV off overnight. Downloads occur several times a day. The TV must be turned off"for GUIDE Plus+ system data to download.
If the TV loses power or is unplugged, GUIDE Plus+ system program listings may be lost. When power is restored, make sure the setup inforn'tation is still correct. The GUIDE Plus+ system will receive ttpdated program inikmnation during the next scheduled download.
Channel Lineup
If more than one cable company services your area, you may be prompted with STEP 5: Choosing Your Channel Lineup after the first GUIDE Plus+ system download. You will need to identify your cable company by selecting the correct channel numbers for tile stations in question.
Use tile up and down arrow ])Llttons to chatlgL' th+,. channel group and press OK when tile correct channel gtoup is highlighted.
28 | Chapter 3 |