Connections & Setup
Leave your cable box turned ON to download program information.
Leave your VCR turned OFF to record programs.
Note: (/'the (;{ 7DE Plus+ ._ystem ccm 7 locate the com'ect code.[br the VCR,
tt list qf trottt_k'.sbooti;ig iuslrttcti(ms a!(_ectl> to belp.l'ott tx_l(>re.l,ou tp3,
• 1)3' I "C'R cOll/'iqttl'ztlioll tt_(//ll: reDetll t L'R selltlL
Test afleruate codes: tests selected brauds ctJTcl (/'tbis.[ails. the Wst
cotttiutles tt'ith all codes in the ._l'stem.
Sk@ Ibis step. tbe GUIDE Phts+ a_},stem u'olz 7 be able to atttomaticallF
sc_e[hl[(_/_t'(_rclms to record Oil .l'OttY _'C'R
Step 4: Confirming Your Settings
]. Check to make sure all suttings are complete and correct. If all settings are complete, highlight }E,s. _,nd seltt/) ala(.l
\CR codu testing failed, you should see I,VCOMFLETtSwhere the cahle
box and VCR codes are listed. Once setup is conaplete, additional screens appear,
If any settings are incomplete or incorrect, highlight NcJ, repeat setup process
and press OK. Follow the instructions on the screen.
2.You cart choose to view a demo of the GUIDE Pins+ features, which may rake a few minutes to load If you don't want to see the demo right now, press OK to watch TV.
Chapter 1 | 19 |