JVC AV20BJ8EES, AV21BJ8EES manual Tips

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Via the Euroconnector

Your TV set has an Euroconnector socket. If you want to connect equipments (e.g. video recorder, decoder, etc.) which have Euroconnectors, to your TV, use the AV-1 (SCART 1) or AV-1 S (SCART 1) terminals.

AV-1 S Mode

If the equipment connected to your TV set supports S-Video (Y/C) output from Euroconnector, you can have a better pic- ture quality by selecting AV-1 S mode and connecting your equipment to the AV-1 S (SCART 1) terminal of TV. See your equipment's booklet to check if your equipment has such fea- ture.

Via the RCA jacks

If you have an equipment (such as a Camcorder) which has the RCA jacks, connect it to the F-AV (Front AV) terminal with the video and audio cables.

Via the ANT (aerial) socket

If your equipment does not have an Euroconnecter or RCA jacks, connect it to the TV with an aerial cable. For details, see the manual provided with the equipment.

To store the test signal that comes from the equipment, see "INSTALL. Menu" on page 7 and store it to the programme number 0. You can watch images from that equipment to select the programme number which you stored the test signal.

TV and Video Recoder (VCR)

Connect the Video Recorder to the ANT (antenna input) socket of the TV with the aerial cable.

Connect the Video Recorder to the AV-1 or AV-1 S terminal with the SCART cable, or connect it to the F-AV (Front AV) terminal with the audio and video cables.

NTSC Playback

Connect a NTSC video recorder to a terminal. Then press “AV“ button to select the corresponding AV mode.

NTSC 3.58/4.43 system is detected automatically in AV mode.

Connecting Headphones

Use the headphone socket of your TV, to connect head- phones.


Care of the Screen:

Clean the screen with a slightly damp, soft cloth. Do not use abrasive solvents as they may damage the TV screen coating layer.

Poor Picture:

Have you selected the correct TV system? Is your TV set or house aerial located too close to the loudspeakers, non- earthed audio equipment or neon lights, etc. ?

Mountains or high buildings can cause double pictures or ghost images. Sometimes you can improve the picture quali- ty by changing the direction of the aerial.

The picture quality may degrade when two peripherals are connected to the TV at the same time. In such a case, dis- connect one of the peripherals.

No Picture:

Is the aerial connected properly? Are the plugs connected tightly to the aerial socket? Is the aerial cable damaged? Are suitable plugs used to connect the aerial? If you are in doubt, consult your dealer.

No Picture means that your TV is not receiving any trans- mission. Have you pressed the correct keys on the remote control? Try once more.

Remote Control:

Your TV no longer responds to the remote control. Press the “STANDARD” button on the remote control once more. Per- haps the batteries are exhausted. If so you can still use the local buttons at the front of your TV.

Have you selected the wrong menu? Press “STANDARD” but- ton to return to TV mode or press “MENU” button to return to the previous menu.

No solution:

Switch your TV set off and on. If this does not work, call the service personnel; never attempt to repair it yourself.

ENGLISH - 11 -

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Contents Page Contents Safety PrecautionsRemote Control Buttons Standard Button Picture default settingsVCR Control Buttons Risk of Electric ShockControl Panel Buttons Antenna Connections Before Switching on your TV Switching the TV ON/OFFInitial Settings PreparationOperating with Remote Control TURE, FEATURE, INSTALL. and ProgramMenu System Operating with the onset buttonsFeature Menu Sleep Timer Setting SharpnessSetting Hue In AV mode only Child LockProgram. Programming Menu Other Features Teletext Before connecting anything Connect the External EquipmentsFront AV Tips Specifications Audio Output PowerVHF Band I/III UHF Band U Hyperband Spis treœci Œrodki ostro¿noœciPrzyciski pilota Przycisk Standard ustawienia fabryczne menu ObrazPrzyciski obs³ugi magnetowidu VCR Ryzyko PORA¯ENIA PR¥DEMPrzyciski panelu sterowania Antena Przygotowanie Zanim w³¹czysz telewizor³¹czanie i wy³¹czanie telewizora Ustawienia pocz¹tkoweSystem menu Obsługa za pomocą przycisków panelu sterowaniaMenu Wyposa¿enie Ustawianie KontrastUstawianie ostroœci Ustawianie odcienia tylko w trybie AVMenu Spis Programów Programowanie Inne funkcje Wy³¹czanie dŸwiêkuInformacje na ekranie Wyœwietlanie godzinyTeletekst Pod³¹czanie urz¹dzeñ zewnêtrznych Zanim pod³¹czysz urz¹dzenie zewnêtrzneWskazówki Dane techniczne Liczba Zaprogramowanych KANA£ÓWMOC Wyjœciowego SYGNA£U Audio 596Obsah Bezpeènostní opatøeníTlaèítka dálkového ovladaèe Tlaèítko Standard vychozí nastavení ObrazTlacítka pro ovládání VCR Nebezpeèí Úrazu Elektrickým ProudemTlaèítka ovládacího panelu Pøipojení antény Pøíprava Než zapnete televizorZapnutí/vypnutí televizoru Poèáteèní nastaveníSystém menu Obsluha pomocí tlaèítek na televizoruObsluha pomocí dálkového ovladaèe Menu ObrazMenu Doplòky Menu InstalaceMenu Program Programování Zmìna názvu programuDalší doplòky Ztlumení zvukuInformace na obrazovce Zobrazení èasuObsluha teletextu Volba teletextové stránkyVolba stránky s obsahem Hledání teletextové stránky pøi sledování televizePøipojení externích zaøízení Než cokoliv pøipojítePøední AV Tipy Specifikace Zvukový VýstupTartalom Biztonsági óvintézkedésekTávkapcsoló gombok Villamos Áramütés KockázataVezérlõpult gombok Antenna csatlakozások Elõkészítés TV bekapcsolása elõttTV be- és kikapcsolása AlapbeállításMenürendszer Kezelés a készüléken lévõ gombokkalÜzemeltetés távkapcsolóval Kép MenüSzolgáltatás Menü Beállítás Menü Program Programozás MenüNyelv Egyéb szolgáltatások ElnémításInformáció a képernyõn Az idõ megjelenítéseVCR Kezelõgombok Teletext mûködtetéseTeletext oldal kiválasztása Index oldal kiválasztásaKülsõ készülékek csatlakoztatása Mielõtt bármit csatlakoztatnaTippek Specifikációk Kábel TV B/G S01-S41 / S75-S79 D/K S01-S41AZ Elõre Beállított Csatornák Száma Audio Kimenõ TeljesítményÑúäúðæàíèå Ìåðêè çà áåçîïàñíîñòÊîï÷åòà íà óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèå Êîï÷å ñòàíäàðò ôàáðè÷íà íàñòðîéêà íà îáðàçà ÈçoápaæeíèåÊîï÷åòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðà Ñâúðçâàíå êúì àíòåíà Ïîäãîòîâêà Ïðåäè äà âêëþ÷èòå òåëåâèçîðà ñèÂêëþ÷âàíå / Èçêëþ÷âàíå íà òåëåâèçîðà Ïúðâîíà÷àëíà íàñòðîéêàÐàáîòà ñ ìåíþòà Ðàáîòà ñ êîï÷åòàòà âúðõó êîðïóñà íà òåëåâèçîðàÐàáîòà ñ óñòðîéñòâîòî çà äèñòàíöèîííî óïðàâëåíèå Ìåíþ ÈçoápaæeèåÌåíþ Câîéñòâà Çàäàâàíå íà ÊîíòðàñòÌåíþ Èíñòàëèðàíå Ìåíþ ÏðîãðàìèðàíåÄðóãè ôóíêöèè Òúðñåíå íà òåëåòåêñòîâà ñòðàíèöà, äîêàòî ñå Ãëåäà òåëåâèçèÿÈçáèðàíå íà òåêñò ñ äîéíà âèñî÷èíà Èçâåæäàíå íà ñêðèòà èíôîðìàöèÿÑâúðçâàíå íà âúíøíèòå óñòðîéñòâà Ïðåäè äà íàïðàâèòå êîå äà å ñâúðçâàíåÈçáîð íà AV ðåæèì Ïðåäåí âõîä F-AV Ïðåäåí AV RCA ùåêåðè XÏîëåçíè ñúâåòè Òåõíè÷åñêè õàðàêòåðèñòèêè Ìîùíîñò ÍÀ ÃîâîðèòåëèòåCuprins Evitarea riscului unor accidenteButoanele telecomenzii AtenþieButoanele panoului de control Conectarea antenei Pregãtire Înainte de a conecta aparatul dvs TVOrnirea / Oprirea aparatului TV Reglãri iniþialeSistem de meniuri Operarea cu butoanele televizoruluiOperaþiuni cu telecomanda Meniul ImagineMeniul Funcþii suplimentare Reglarea de ContrastMeniul Instalare Meniul ProgramareAlte funcþii suplimentare Sunet mutInformaþii pe ecran Pentru a afiºa ora exactãTeletextul Conectarea echipamentelor externe Pentru a selecta un mod AVTerminalul AV-1 S Scart 1 Euroconector 21-pini, Scart Terminalul F-AV Frontal AV borne RCA conectoare XInformaþii utile Specificaþii Putere Emisie Audio