This field will initially show "All Programme Types" as the search criterion. Press the OK key to display a further table showing a list of programme types/cate- gories that may be selected.
>Use the up/down as well as left/right arrow keys to mark the programme type required.
>Press the OK key to transfer the selected category to the column Programme Type.
>Now press the blue function key to start the EPG search.
After a few seconds the screen will display a summary of the programmes with the
desired content.
If you selected "All Programme Types" the contents of all programmes activated for EPG searches within the selected time period will be displayed.
If there are no programmes of the desired type being broadcast during the time period selected,the screen display will show "No Entries Found".
>Press the Back key to return to the column Programme Types, and continue your search for other types of programmes. Programming the Timer
Apart from using the EPG to programme the timer, you can also do this manually:
>Press the EPG key
>Press the yellow function key
The EPG Timer menu will be displayed.
>Press the yellow function key again to display the menu for programming the timer.