>Select Continue or Abort with the left/right arrow keys.
>Acknowledge the input with OK.
12.2 Software update
You also have the possibility to update the system software of your device. During satellite reception, you receive this data channel from the ASTRA satellite system (19.2° East).In order to also receive the appropriate data channel via
>Select the Software update line with the up/down arrow keys.
>The Software update sub/menu is opened after pressing the OK key.
>If you want your device to carry out the update automatically, use the up/down arrow keys to select the Software update line.
>Use the left/right arrow keys to select yes.
>Set the time at which the software update should be run in the Update time line using the numeric keypad.
>To manually start the system software update, press the green Test control key.
You can carry out corrections in this menu, if the data channel parameters for importing the soft- ware have changed. The current data can be inferred from your specialist dealer. You should nor- mally not have to make any changes in this menu.
The device must be in the standby mode to automatically download the new software.
12.3 Updating the programme list ISIPRO only DVB-S
The ISIPRO programme list update automatically updates the programme list of your TV to keep it
You can carry out corrections in this menu, if the data channel parameters for importing the pro- gramme list have changed. Your specialised dealer can inform you on the
Please note, that this function is only available for satellite programmes of the programme list.
>Using the up/down arrow keys, select the Programme list update line
>The Programme list update
>In order for your television to check automatically,whether a new programme list is availa- ble, select the Update list line.
>Set the automatic programme list update with the right/left arrow keys to Yes.
12.3.1 Manually starting the programme list update
>To manually update the programme list , press the green Update control key. It is now examined, whether a newer programme list is available.
>Use the right/left arrow keys to select the Yes field, if you would like to start the update and to acknowledge with OK.
The new programme list will now be downloaded.
12.3.2 Message “New programme list available”
If a new programme list is available, then an appropriate message is displayed when the device is turned on, if list updating is activated in the programme list update
>If you would not like to download the new programme list immediately, but at a later