9.3.4 Manual search for DVB-C programmes
Search run method
Use this line to select between channel search, and frequency search.
>For this purpose, select the search run method line with the up/down arrow keys.
>Use the right/left arrow keys to select the required search run method.
Channelonly during channel search
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Channel line.
>Use the right/left arrow keys or the numeric keyboard to set the required chan- nel.
Channel typeonly during channel search
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Channel type line.
>Use the right/left arrow keys to set the channel type (Standard channel
Frequencyonly during frequency search
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Frequency line.
>Use the right/left arrow keys or the numeric keyboard to set the required fre- quency.
Symbol rate
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Symbol rate line.
>Use the numeric keyboard, to enter the symbol rate.
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Modulation line.
>Use the right/left arrow keys to enter the channel modulation.
>Then continue with section 9.3.6.
9.3.5 Manual search for DVB-T programmes
>Use the up/down arrow keys to select the Channel line.
>Use the right/left arrow keys to set the required channel.
9.3.6 Starting the manual DVB-S/DVB-C/DVB-T search
>In order to start the search run, press the green Search control key. Pay attention to the screen inserts.
9.3.7 After the search run
After the search run a query is displayed, asking you whether the found programmes should be added as sorted, unsorted or not at all to the favourites list.
>Use the left/right arrow keys to select the input Sorted, in order to take over the sorted programmes into the favourites list and acknowledge with OK. The found pro- grammes are sorted into the favourites list according to a