Public Declare Function AX_SetRov Lib "MotionCore.DLL" _
(ByVal RovVal as Double) As Integer
Public Declare Function AX_SetSov Lib "MotionCore.DLL" _
(ByVal SovVal as Double) As Integer
(Graphics Functions)
Description | Initialize Graphics Engine and give it the handle of the Control to plot to, this is typically a PictureBox |
| control in VB. The DLL will extract the coordinates of the window in pixels, and use these coordinates |
| form then on. It is important to not move the window once it has been initialized as incorrect display of |
| graphics could occur. |
Returns | (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure |
Arguments | Long … Handle (. hwnd) of the Graphics control |
VB Example: | Ret = AX_InitializeGPH |
Declaration: | Declare Function AX_InitializeGPH Lib _ |
| "MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal ProcHwnd As Long) As Integer |
Description | Informs the Graphics Engine which View Port to Use. | |
ViewPort Layout: |
| |
| 0=Top | 4=NE |
| 1=Front | 5=NW |
| 2=Side | 6=SE |
| 3=NW | 7=SW |
Returns | (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure |
Arguments | viewpoint as Integer, ZoomAll As integer | |
VB Example: | Ret = AX_ SetGphView (0) | ‘set to top view |
Declaration: | Public Declare Function AX_SetGphView Lib _ |
"MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal viewpoint As Integer, ByVal ZoomAll as Integer) As Integer
16 - API Command Descriptions | API Users Guide |