4. Camcorder recording is not | ● The camcorder has not been | Confirm that the camcorder is |
possible. | properly connected. | properly connected. |
| ● The input mode is not correct. | Set the input mode to “AU”. |
| ||||
1. | Timer recording won’t work. | ● The clock and/or the timer have | ||||||
| been set incorrectly. | settings. | |
| ● The timer is not engaged. | Press TIMER and confirm that “ä“ is | |
| displayed on the display panel. |
2. | ● Timer recording is in progress. | Timer programming can’t be | ||||||
| not possible. |
| performed while a timer recording is | |||
| in progress. Wait until it finishes. |
3. | “ä“ and “]“ on the display | ● The timer is engaged but there’s no | Load a cassette with the Record | |||||
| panel won’t stop blinking. | cassette loaded. | Safety tab intact, or cover the hole | ||||
| using adhesive tape. |
4. | The cassette is automatically | ● The loaded cassette has had its | Remove the cassette and cover the | |||||
| ejected, and “ä“ and “]“ on the | Record Safety tab removed. | hole with adhesive tape, or insert a | ||||
| display panel won’t stop blinking. |
| cassette with the Record Safety tab | |||
| intact. |
5. | “ä“ blinks for 10 seconds and the | ● TIMER has been pressed when there | Check the programmed data and re- | |||||
| Timer mode is disengaged. | are no programs in memory, or the | program as necessary, then press | ||||
| timer record information has been | TIMER again. | |
| programmed incorrectly. |
| |
6. | The cassette is automatically | ● The end of the tape was reached | The programme may not have been | |||||
| ejected, the power shuts off and | during timer recording. | recorded in its entirety. Next time | ||||
| “ä“ and “]“ won’t stop |
| make sure you have enough time on | |||
| blinking. |
| the tape to record the entire | |||
| programme. |
7. | Video Plus+ does not | ● The recorder’s preset positions have | Refer to "Guide Channel Set" and | |||||
| properly. | been set incorrectly. | |||||
| ||||
| ||||
| |||
1. | Whistling or howling is heard from | ● The camcorder’s microphone is too | Position the camcorder so its | |||||
| the TV during camcorder record- | close to the TV. | microphone is away from the TV. | ||||
| ing. | ● The TV’s volume is too high. | Turn the TV’s volume down. | ||||
| |||
2. | When scanning presets, some of | ● Those presets have been designated | If you need the skipped presets, | |||||
| them are skipped over. | to be skipped. | restore them (☞ pg. 43). | ||||
| |||
3. | The preset cannot be changed. | ● Recording is in progress. | Press PAUSE to pause the recording, | |||||
| change presets, then press PLAY to |
| resume recording. |
| |||
4. | The remote control won’t operate | ● The TV/VCR switch is in the wrong | Set the switch to TV. | |||||
| my TV. | position. |
| ||||
| |||
5. | Channel settings that were made | ● After the manual settings were made, | Perform manual setting again. | |||||
| manually seem to have changed or | Auto Channel Set was performed. |
| ||||
| disappeared. |