!PLAY Button plays back tape; cancels Pause,
Still, Slow, Search modes. ☞ pg. 11
@TIME SCAN Indicator lights during TimeScan
mode. ☞ pg. 11
#TIME SCAN SHUTTLE Ring rewinds or fast- forwards tape during Stop mode; performs forward and reverse
$ TIME SCAN SHUTTLE Indicator lights during Still, Slow and Search modes. ☞ pg. 19
%TV PROG. Dial scans to desired preset during Stop mode. ☞ pg. 20
JOG Dial plays back frame by frame during Still or Play mode. ☞ pg. 12
^HEADPHONE Connector enables you to listen to the audio using headphones.
&HEADPHONE VOLUME Control ajusts the headphone volume level.
*VIDEO Input Connector enables easy connec- tion of video output from another recorder or camcorder for editing. ☞ pg. 35
( AUDIO Input Connector [L] enables easy connection of audio output (mono) from an- other recorder, camcorder or other source for editing. ☞ pg. 35
) AUDIO Input Connector [R] enables easy connection of audio output
☞pg. 35
wREMOTE PAUSE Connector ehables connection to second recorder equipped with R.A. Edit connector, or to JVC camcorder equipped with Master Edit Control, for easy editing. ☞ pg. 35
eTIME SCAN AUDIO Switch enables/disables TimeScan Audio. ☞ pg. 19
rAUTO SP/LP TIMER Button engages Auto SP/LP Timer for automatic switching from SP to LP
mode during recording. ☞ pg. 33
tAUTO SP/LP TIMER Indicator lights when AUTO SP/LP TIMER is engaged. ☞ pg. 33
yDisplay Panel provides clear view of various displays and indicators. ☞ pg. 57
uInfrared Beam Receiving Window is where remote control should be aimed when in use.
iRECORD Button starts regular recording (press once), Instant Timer Recording (press twice); sets duration of ITR. ☞ pg. 20
oREVIEW Button "reviews" timer-recorded programme. ☞ pg. 13
pPAUSE Button stops tape temporarily during recording.; stops tape temporarily during playback; plays back frame by frame with each additional press. ☞ pg. 12
QRewind [REW] Button rewinds tape ; initiates
WFast Forward [FF] Button