| Index |
| |
| Number Linking NdNe, 13 |
| A | Number of XOFF Characters Sent #X, 16 |
| On Hook/Off Hook H, 11 |
| |
| AT commands, 8 | Pacing |
| Pulse Dial P, 13 |
| |
| AT Commands |
| |
| Quiet Answer @, 16 |
| |
| Answerback &A, 8 |
| |
| Rate Negotiation &RN, 14 |
| |
| Asymmetrical Bit Rate &RA, 14 |
| |
| Read Line Probe Data %DP, 10 |
| |
| Asynchronous Word Length $EB, 11 |
| |
| Read Register Value Sr?, 14 |
| |
| AT Command Control %DC, 9 |
| |
| Remote Configuration Escape Sequence |
| |
| Auto Speed Detection in Answer Mode #A, 8 |
| |
| %%%AT<CR>, 17 |
| |
| Respond to Remote Digital Loopback Signal &T, 15 |
| |
| Baud Adjust $BA, 9 |
| |
| Result Codes and Call Progress Selection X, 16 |
| |
| Call Card Tone Detect $, 16 |
| |
| Result Codes Enable/Disable Q, 13 |
| |
| Carrier Detect Control &C, 9 |
| |
| Result Codes V, 15 |
| |
| Clear to Send Control &R, 14 |
| |
| Retransmit Count $R, 14 |
| |
| Cleardown at Disconnect &CD, 9 |
| |
| Return to Command Mode ;, 16 |
| |
| Continuous Redial :, 16 |
| |
| Reverse Originate/Answer Modes R, 13 |
| |
| Continuous Redial A :, 8 |
| |
| Serial Port Baud Rate $SB, 15 |
| |
| CTS/RTS Interaction Control &RF, 14 |
| |
| Set Pulse Dial Ratios &P, 13 |
| |
| Data Compression &E |
| |
| Set Register Value Sr=, 14 |
| |
| Data Set Ready Control &S, 14 |
| |
| Square Wave Ring Detect &RD, 14 |
| |
| Data Terminal Ready Control &D, 9 |
| |
| Store Configuration &W, 16 |
| |
| Dial a Stored Number N, 13 |
| |
| Store Telephone Number DsNd, 9 |
| |
| Dial Ds, 9 |
| |
| ||
| Dialing Pause ,, 16 |
| |
| ||
| Display Parity Bit $J, 12 |
| |
| V.32terbo Handshake Tones #V, 15 |
| |
| DSR/CD Interaction Control &SF, 15 |
| |
| V.42 Error Correction at 300 bps $E, 11 |
| |
| DTMF Detection >DT, 10 |
| |
| V.42 Error Correction Modes &E |
| |
| DTR Dialing $D, 9 |
| |
| V.42 Mode Selection in Originate Mode #L, 12 |
| |
| Echo Command Mode Characters E, 10 |
| |
| Wait for New Dial Tone W, 15 |
| |
| Echo Frequency Canceller Offset Compensation %F, 11 |
| |
| |
| Enable/Disable |
| |
| Escape Code +++AT<CR>, 17 | C |
| Escape Sequence <BREAK>AT<CR>, 17 |
| |
| Escape Sequence Options %E, 11 |
| Fallback Modes When Online #F, 11 | connecting the modem, 5 |
| Flash |
| Force Answer Mode A, 8 | D |
| Force Repeat Last Command A/, 8 |
| |
| Format Line Probe Data %DF, 9 | Data is being lost, 22 |
| Go Back Online O, 13 |
| |
| driver installation, 6 |
| |
| Guard Tones &G, 11 |
| Help Screens $H, 12 | F |
| Hewlett Packard ENQ/ACK Pacing &E |
| |
| Immediate Line Probe &RP, 14 | Fax and data programs can’t run at the same time, 23 |
| Immediate Retrain &RR, 14 |
| |
| FCC Regulations, 24 |
| |
| Inquire Product Codes I, 12 |
| |
| Features, 4 |
| |
| List Commands L, 12 |
| |
| File transfer is slower than it should be, 22 |
| |
| Load Default Configurations &F, 11 |
| |
| |
| Long Space Disconnect Y, 16 | G |
| Loopback Test Modes U, 15 |
| |
| Maximum Reliable Block Size &BS, 8 | Getting Started, 4 |
| Modem Baud Rate $MB, 13 |
| |
| Modem Reset Z, 16 | I |
| Modem Speaker Control M, 12 |
| |
| ||
| Install Data Communications Software, 6 |
| |
| installing the modem driver, 6 |
| |
| 32 |