Search > Satellite
Under this menu item you can make a search for a special satellite. In that case all other satellites are not being searched.
Select the menu line satellite by marking it by means of the
Confirm with OK.
Start search appears on the screen. However, first you have to select the satellite which you want to search. For this purpose, press the button OK.
A menu window with the four satellite positions now appears.
Mark up the satellite wanted by means of the cur-
Press the button OK to start the search.
By pressing the button OK you can exit from the function. The search may last for more than 15 minutes. Please also note the screen insertions.
Search > Transponder
Under this menu item you can search a trans- ponder (see Technical Terms) of programs. To do this, it is necessary to enter the transponder data. Select the menu line Transponder by marking it by means of the
Confirm with OK.
The menu > search > transponder appears.
Select in this line the satellite of the transponder wanted.
Mark up the line by means of the cursor buttons. Confirm with OK.
Transponder frequency:
Enter the frequency wanted in this line by means of the numeric keys.
Enter in this line by means of the