14.3 Teletext
•Press TTX button to enter "OSD Text" display.
•If the channel broadcasts teletext, the teletext icon on the info bar will be highlighted.
•The "OSD Text" is utilizing the
•The other option is called "VBI Text" that leaves decoding up to a teletext decoder that is included into
the TV set. In this case, an entire teletext function is to be operated through the remote control unit of the TV set.
•Press [0~9] buttons: Change Page number.
•Press [▲/▼] buttons: Change Page up and down.
•To exit from the Teletext, press the Back( ) or TTX button.
14.4 Subtitle
•Press the Subt.(GREEN) Button to display the subtitle menu.
•Set the subtitle function to ON or OFF using the e/f buttons.
•Select the subtitle language using ▲/▼ buttons.
•To exit from the Subtitle menu, press the Back( ) or Subt.(GREEN) button.
14.5 Timer Menu
yPress the Timer button to display the Event List.
yPress OK to display the Event Setting menu.
yPress the e/fbuttons to show the channel list, chose the channel and confirm with OK.
yTo set the date use the Numeric (0~9) buttons.
yTo set the start time use the Numeric (0~9) buttons.
yTo set the finish time use the Numeric (0~9) buttons.
yTo set the period of recording use e/f buttons.
yTo set the mode, use the e/fbuttons.
yPress OK to save.
14.6 Audio Mode
•Press the Audio (RED) button to display the menu.
•Change the audio language by using ▲/▼ buttons to select one of the languages provided by the broadcaster.
•Use the e/f buttons to select the audio mode.