AXIS 241QA/AXIS 241SA - Pan Tilt Zoom 35
In contrast, when using an absolute driver, each position on the bar (see right) represents a defined
position in the device’s range of movement, with the center of the bar representing the point midway between the two extremes of movement.
Clicking a position directly on the bar moves the camera directly to the new position in one smooth movement. Clicking on the arrows at the ends of a bar causes a stepped, incremental change.
Using CGI links to control PTZ devices
PTZ control modes
The PTZ device can also be controlled using
Center mode means that when clicking in the image, the camera view centers on the absolute position that was clicked.
Joystick mode moves the camera in the direction of the mouse pointer. By clicking and holding the mouse button down in the image, the PTZ device moves the camera in that direction, relative to the center of the image. The further from the center the image is clicked, the greater the movement. The camera stops moving when the button is released.
Note: There is also joystick support in AXIS Media Control (AMC).
Control panel
The focus and iris (image brightness) can be adjusted manually by using the control bars, or they can be set for automatic adjustment, by clicking the Auto iris and Auto focus buttons.
To access the Auto iris and Auto focus buttons, click on the Control panel button. The menu to the right will then appear in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
There are also driver specific shortcuts that can appear in the Control Panel. In the screen to the right, a driver has been installed that brings up the Wiper shortcut button, which allows the user to configure and use a windshield wiping action with the AXIS 241QA/AXIS 241SA.