How to Operate the MVP851, con’t
Certain DVDs are encoded with more than one video pic- ture viewing angle. This allows changing the viewing angle on discs that have the multiple angle feature. Refer to fig- ures 71 and 72.
1.Press the DISPLAY
2.Press the Right directional
3.Press the Up or Down directional
4.Press the DISPLAY
Note: A optional method is to press the ANGLE Push- button and directional
Certain DVDs have movie trailers, menus, different disc formats and other supplemental materials. To access these other disc features perform the following steps. Refer to figures 71 and 72.
1.Press the DISPLAY
2.The first Icon on the left (T) should be highlighted.
3.Press the Up or Down directional
4.Press the SELECT
5.To return to the main feature perform steps three and four, select the previous number in the icon window.
6.Press the DISPLAY
This feature allows for programming the playback of spe- cific Groups and/or Tracks of a
Note: The MVP851 must be in STOP Mode with a
Playback of All Groups:
1.Press the PLAY MODE
Note: The Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will indicate a flashing “All Group”.
Figure 73
Figure 74
2.Press the PLAY
3.To cancel the Random Playback of All Groups, press the STOP
Random Playback of a Specific Group:
1.Press the PLAY MODE
Note: The Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will indicate “All” and “two asterisks”.
2.Use the Left or Right directional
3.Press the PLAY