At this point, you may use the Pioneer DVD player's con- trols as you normally would, to find the exact frame on the disc to begin your button sequence. In this example, let's say frame "5678". After the start frame is located on the DVD, press button 1 on the
Button: 3
Select new END frame. Use player front panel or remote control
Press 1 to select.
1 2 3 4
Using the same procedure as used in finding the start frame, use the player's controls to locate the last frame of the sequence. For this example, let's say frame "5800". Press button 1, which will be flashing, when you are done.
In this example, the screen will now be reading:
Button 3 plays
Frames: 5678 to 5800.
Change this?
Yes |
| No |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Since these are the desired settings, we press button 4 to indicate that no change is desired (Here, frames 5678 and 5800 are used as an example, in reality, the actual frame numbers would be displayed).
The screen will now revert to the main menu where we began. Use the above technique to program the remaining buttons. It is not necessary to program more buttons than you are using. If your application calls for just one but- ton, that is all that needs to be programmed. When you have finished all programming, return to the main menu and press the red "Program" button on the back of the