Registering Ownership Of Your OfficeConnect Remote
A warranty registration card is enclosed in the box with your OfficeConnect Remote. Please take a few moments before commencing the installation to fill in the card and post it to us.
Pre-installation Requirements
Before you install your OfficeConnect Remote you will need the following:
■A suitable cable for connection to your LAN (or workstation if only a single workstation is attached to this unit).
Although the OfficeConnect Remote has two LAN connections (10Base2 and 10BaseT), only one port can be used at a time.
■A standard ISDN line wall socket to connect the ISDN cable to the ISDN port of the OfficeConnect Remote. If a suitably sited wall socket is not already available, then contact your telecommunications supplier for assistance.
■A suitable cable to connect to your ISDN socket. A 1.5 meter ISDN cable is supplied with this unit.
■The ISDN telephone number of the remote ISDN unit in order to carry out the connection configuration procedure.
■A suitable WAN cable if you are connecting to the remote site over a leased line.