B Channel A digital data communications channel running at 64 Kbps. The basic rate ISDN 2 service carries two B channels plus one control D channel. Refer to ISDN and D Channel.
Backbone A network cabling segment that interconnects a group of network segments or systems.
Bandwidth The capacity of data communications system or channel.
Baseband A communication technique in which network cable is used to carry a single stream of data at a time.
Baud A unit of signalling speed equal to the number of signalling events in one second.
Bit Either of the digits 0 or 1 when used in the binary numeration system. Eight bits equals a single byte.
Bridge A device that links two or more local or remote area networks together. A bridge may be used to extend the network or to connect two different network transport technologies together.
Broadband A communications technique in which network cabling is used to carry multiple streams of data simultaneously.
Broadcast Storm A rare event in which broadcast frames are propagated endlessly through the network because poorly configured bridge and router connections.
Bus A single segment through which devices are connected. An Ethernet LAN is based on a bus network which connects all communicating workstations with a common cable.
Byte A string that consists of eight data bits treated as a unit.
Call Guillotine A feature that disconnects a call after a certain period of time irrespective of whether data is being passed across the link or not.
CCITT Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique, now renamed ITU, International Telecommunication Union.