To Set Movie (MPAA) Ratings Levels
Use the A _ arrows to move to SET MOVIE RATINGS. Select this option by pressing 4 or _. The screen on the Ieft wilt appear. Use the A _'arrows to move to a movie rating, such as X. Press 4 or 1_ to turn the ratings block on or off.
When you have set your movie ratings levels, press _f to move to FINISH. Press 4 or 1_ to save your settings and exit.
Unrated Programs
You have the choice of atlowing programs without a rating signal to be shown or to have unrated programs blocked. To set this option, use the A "_ arrows to move to UNRATED in the
Unrated programming refers to any programming which does not contain a rating signal. Programming on television stations which do not broadcast rating signals will be placed in the "Unrated Programming" category.
Examples |
| of Unrated programs: |
Emergency | Bulletins | Sports | |
Locally | Originated Programming | Weather | |
News |
| Some Commercials |
Political | Programs |
| |
Public | Service Announcements |
| |
Religious | Programs |
•TV programs or movies that do not have rating signals will be blocked if the Unrated Category is set to LOCK.
Warning Message
When a viewer attempts to watch a program which exceeds the set ratings limits, the following warning message witI appear:
To watch a blocked program, enter the
correct code is entered, the channel will be unlocked and the program shown.
If an incorrect code is entered the message
INVALID LOCK CODE! wi!I flash onscreen. The
channel will remain locked until the correct code is entered.