Sound Adjust
The SOUND ADJUST menu lets you tailor the television's sound to suit your personal taste_ You can adjust the television's bass and treble output, as well as the speaker balance. You can also choose to receive broadcasts either stereo or mono sound, or listen to a Second Audio
Program (SAP), if one is broadcast.
Access the onscreen menus by pressing MENU on your remote control. You may then either use the up and down arrows A _' to scrolt to the SOUND ADJUST menu, or press MEr_U untii the SOUND ADJUST screen appears. Use the A T arrows to move to the setting you wish to change. You can make adjustments to any or aii of the settings.
The BASS level lets you adjust the leveI of
The TREBLE Ievei lets you adjust the leveI of
treble. Press I_ to increase the treble. Use the A T to move to the next setting or press EXiT to leave the menu.
You can adjust the baiance of sound output between the television's RIGHT and LEFT
speakers with the baiance control Press _ to shift the baiance to the left. Press _ to shift the balance to the right. Use the A _'to move to the next setting or press EXiT to leave the menu.