AXIS M1143–L
System Options
Certificates |
CA Certificate | The CA certificate is used to validate the identity of the authentication server. Enter the path to |
| the certificate directly, or locate the file using the Browse button. Then click Upload. To remove |
| a certificate, click Remove. |
Client certificate | The client certificate and private key are used to authenticate the network device. They can be |
Client private key | uploaded as separate files or in one combined file (e.g. a PFX file or a PEM file). Use the Client |
| private key field if uploading one combined file. For each file, enter the path to the file, or locate the |
| file using the Browse button. Then click Upload. To remove a file, click Remove. |
Settings |
EAPOL version | Select the EAPOL version (1 or 2) as used in your network switch. |
EAP identity | Enter the user identity (maximum 16 characters) associated with your certificate. |
Private key password | Enter the password (maximum 16 characters) for the private key. |
Enable IEEE 802.1X | Check the box to enable the IEEE 802.1X protocol. |
IEEE 802.1X
IEEE 802.1X is a standard for
To access a network protected by IEEE 802.1X, devices must be authenticated. The authentication is performed by an authentication server, typically a RADIUS server, examples of which are FreeRADIUS and Microsoft Internet Authentication Service.
In Axis implementation, the Axis product and the authentication server identify themselves with digital certificates using
•a CA certificate to authenticate the authentication server
To create and install certificates, go to System Options > Security > Certificates. See Certificates on page 35. Many CA certificates are preinstalled.
To allow the product to access a network protected by IEEE 802.1X:
1.Go to System Options > Security > IEEE 802.1X.
2.Select a CA Certificate and a Client Certificate from the lists of installed certificates.
3.Under Settings, select the EAPOL version and provide the EAP identity associated with the client certificate.
4.Check the box to enable IEEE 802.1X and click Save.
For authentication to work properly, the date and time settings in the Axis product should be synchronized with an NTP server. See Date & Time on page 36.
Certificates are used to authenticate devices on a network. Typical applications include encrypted web browsing (HTTPS), network protection via IEEE 802.1X and secure upload of images and notification messages for example via email. Two types of certificates can be used with the Axis product:
Server/Client certificates - to authenticate the Axis product