Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
event log, etc. Motion detection options for different time types can be set for each camera input using a 16 (width) by 12 (height) target overlay. You can also enable or disable motion alarms for different time types. However, the recording frame rate is NOT influenced by motion detection for the digital video recorder.
1.2.5 Video Display
The VGA monitor displays either live camera pictures or pictures from hard disks. The display resolution is 800x600(NTSC and PAL). As many as 16 million colors can be displayed in the following screen formats: full screen, 4 windows, 7 windows, 9 windows, 10 windows, 13 windows, and 16 windows. All the main displays are window based look and feel for ease of user operations.
1.2.6 Video Playback
The user can select a previously recorded hard disk to review the recorded video. Displaying of the recorded video is composed of decoding the JPEG or
1.2.7 Non-editable Recorded Images
The retrieved images are saved as .MPG files or .MOV files, which can be played by Media Player or QuickTime. Therefore, those files are editable by the video editing packages, just like the recorded images in the other digital video recorders. However, the recorded images in the hard disks are not editable by the video editing packages. (They even cannot be seen by those packages.) That is to say, the recorded images are guaranteed to be the original images.