Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
6.2 Day Type Setup
The daily behaviors for the system are the same for those days configured as of the same Day Type. There are 2 default Day Types, WORK DAY (Monday through Friday) and HOLIDAY (Saturday and Sunday), in the system. However, you may configure up to 16 Day Types to suit your needs. For each Day Type, you may configure up to 16 time segments and their corresponding Time Types, beginning time and end time.
After the Day Type menu item is selected, the Day Type Setup dialog box will be shown on the screen.
Please click on the item in the Day Type List, then click on the Day Type Tag, and then enter the new tag name for the selected Day Type by using the mouse or the keyboard. The Detail box corresponds to the selected Day Type shown in the Day Type Tag. Please click on the Up/Dn buttons to scroll the 16 time segments, click on the respective Down Arrow buttons to change the settings for the Time Type, beginning time (column From), and end time (column To) of the designated time segment.
Note: Any time not in the intervals of all the time segments will be set as of Time Type #1 in the Time Type List (refer to Chapter 6.1).