Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
6.8 Camera Setup
The Camera Setup allows the administrator to define the behaviors for each Camera at each Time Type. There are up to 4 Cameras connected to the system. For each Camera and each Time Type, you may configure the behaviors as shown on the screen and described below.
After the Camera menu item is selected, the Camera Setup dialog box will be shown on the screen.
Please click on the item in the Camera List, then click on the Camera Tag, and then enter the new tag name for the selected Camera by using the mouse or the keyboard. The Recording Quality and the Compression Method apply to all cameras. For the Behaviors For Each Camera, please click on the item in the Time Type list to select the Time Type. All the other settings correspond to the selected Camera shown in the Camera Tag and the highlighted Time Type in the Time Type list.
The following is a brief description for each item shown above.