B-7 Machine Info:
Highlight and select Machine Info, then press [Enter] for this selection, the
Info Menu |
| Machine Info |
All | Record |
Alarm | Record | Unit ID.: 43743746194619463289573296 |
Alarm | Log | Version: |
Operate | Log |
Channel | Status |
HDD | Status |
Machine | Info | Return |
Exit |
B-8 Exit:
Highlight and select Exit, then press [Enter] to confirm for save the change of setting then return back to main menu.
C-1 Compact Flash Card Upgrade:
1.Using a PC to make sure your Compact Flash card formated into FAT32 format. (if not already in the FAT32 format).
2.Insert the Compact Flash card into the DVR CF Slot while the DVR is turned off.
3.Press [ON/OFF] button without release to switch on the power;
4.Within 2~3 seconds the LED light (SYS and POWER) should be flashing and that means that the upgrading is in progress.
5.Upgrading will take approx. 1 minute and both LEDs will turn off once upgrading has completed.
6.Turn off the device and then remove the Compact Flash card from the slot.
7.Restart the device and the new software should be installed.
C-2 Compact Flash Card Backup:
In order to copy the data from hard disk into the Compact Flash card, please follow the following procedures:
1.Insert the Compact Flash card into CF Slot before the DVR’s power is on.
2.Power on the device and stop all recording activity.
3.Press the [CF card] button in remote control or front panel, this will allow the copying of all required information and data into Compact Flash card.
C-3 Playback Compact Flash Card Content:
In order to playback the data from the Compact Flash card, press [CF card] to enter the Compact Flash card menu and use the cursor to select operation:
C-3-1 Compact Flash card management:
Highlight and select CF Manage, then press [Enter] for this selection, the
CF Card Operation | CF Card Management |
| |
CF Card Manage | No Record |
Copy Information |
Renew setting | Previous Page | Next Page | Delete |
Exit | Help: Press Enter to playback, press right key button | ||
then Enter to delete |
Disk Space: 000,060MB Availability: 000,057MB