Go to Date
Selecting the Go to Date option lets you look at a list of programs for another day in the week. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to move to the day of interest, then press OK.The programming information avail- able is limited to the master and extended program guides.When you press OK, the Guide displays pro- gramming information for the same 1.5 hour block of time displayed before you selected Go to Date, but for the day you selected.
Selecting Help opens a window in which
Other Guides
Selecting Other Guides displays a dialog in which you can choose a type of guide to view. Use the
▲/ ▼ buttons to scroll through the list. Use the PAGE+/- buttons to scroll to the next page. Press OK to select and display the highlighted guide.You can view and tag programs contained in any guide. To exit press EXIT.
The Satellite Receiver may occasionally display messages which overlay the Programming Guide.To dismiss a message, press OK.
Software Upgrade Message
When DIRECTV schedules or transmits a software upgrade, you will be notified by an onscreen message. Once a software upgrade is complete, your Satellite Receiver is ready to use. Old software cannot be restored.