4 Operation
4.1About this manual
•In this manual each time a
•Unless otherwise stated the
•Each time a function is mentioned in the text, it will be in brackets and in the same format, where possible, as displayed, ex. (LAt).
•By the word navigator, we mean a GPS, Loran or Decca instrument.
•Which instrument is navigating? By the term navigating, we mean the active instrument in which the waypoint memory is used for navigation to calculate the navigation data, ie BTW, DTW etc. There can only be one instrument on the Nexus Network which is keeping the waypoints in memory, but the waypoints can be reached from all instruments.
•This manual has been written to be:
Compatible with NX2 Server from software version 3.0. Compatible with NX2 Multi Control instrument from software version 3.0
The products can be updated to the latest version for a fee. Please contact your NX2 dealer for further information.