Section 3 - At the Telescope with a CCD Camera
Figure 3.1 Orientation of the Optical Head Viewed from Back.
(Pixel 1,1 is at the upper left in this view)
3.3.Establishing a Communications Link
When the CCDOPS program is initiated it will automatically attempt to establish a link to the camera. This involves identifying the type of CCD head. If the software is successful the "Link" field in the Status Window is updated to show the type of camera found. If the camera is not connected, powered up, or the LPT port setting has not yet been properly set, a message will be displayed indicating that the software failed to establish a link to the camera. If this happens, use the Communications Setup command in the Misc menu to configure the CCDOPS software for the LPT port you are using. Then use the Establish COM Link command in the Camera Menu to establish communications with the camera.
Note: It is not necessary to have a camera connected to your computer to run the software and display images already saved onto disk. It is only necessary to have a camera connected when you take new images.
Once the COM link has been established you may need to set the camera's setpoint temperature in the Camera Setup command. The
3.4.Focusing the CCD Camera
Focusing a CCD camera can be a tedious operation, so a few hints should be followed. Before using the software to focus the camera the first time you should place a diffuser (such as scotch tape or ground glass) at the approximate location of the CCD's sensitive surface behind the eyepiece tube and focus the telescope on the moon, a bright planet or a distant street lamp.
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