The System Information option displays system and hard disk information. To view all system information, you must be logged on to the unit.
To view system information, click Information icon . The System Information screen displays all system information.
Figure 13. Viewing System Information: Full Details
Use the Pelco serial number when corresponding with Pelco about your unit. The MAC address is an internal number.
NOTE: If you do not log on to the unit, you can still view the unit's model name, serial number, and network IP address.
The unit supports two playback modes: playback and instant playback. The playback mode is accessed from the search window and is used by the search feature to display video resulting from a search operation. The unit supports simultaneous playback and live recording. For information about the instant playback mode, refer to Instant Playback on page 15.
The playback mode has the following conditions:
•Playback: Video is only displayed for the selected playback channels. For example, if channel 01 and 03 are selected for playback, playback video is displayed in the top two panes. No video is displayed in the two bottom panes. If one channel is selected for playback, video is displayed in a single pane.
•Selecting playback channels: One to all of the channels can be selected in the date/time and event search mode. One channel can be selected in the bookmark search mode.
•Playback controls: All playback channels are controlled simultaneously. An operation performed on one channel is automatically performed on all playback channels.
•Supported search modes: The playback mode is available for all search modes. The bookmark toolbar icon is unavailable if an external backup device is selected.
•HVR operation: Recorded video can be viewed in the playback mode while simultaneously recording live video.
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