getting help, 87 installing, 59 upgrading, 93
specifications camera, 91 camera dock, 70
camera dock, charging lights, 68
camera dock, transfer light, 69
camera ready light, 84 checking on screen, 9 screen icons, 10 storage location, 13
storage capacity, 95 strap, wrist, 5 support, technical, 88 system folder, card, 96 system requirements
Macintosh OS, 58
Windows OS, 57
T tagging
favorites, 50
for albums, 27, 31, 40
for email, 49 for print, 48 when to tag, 47
taking pictures, 17 taking videos, 29 telephone support, 89 television, slide show, 43 thumb rest, ii
time, setting, 8
timer, shutter delay, 23, 32 tips
battery guidelines, 15 maintenance, safety, 94 ReadMe file, 73
via camera, 61
via camera dock, 69 trash can, deleting, 19, 30 tripod socket, iv troubleshooting
camera, 73 camera dock, 71
turning camera on and off, 6
universal insert, 64 upgrading software, firmware, 93