Doing more with your camera
Customizing your camera
UseSetupto customizeyourcamerasettings.
1In any mode,pressthe Menu button.
2Press_/_ to highlight Setuptr!il, then pressthe OKbutton.
3Press_/_ to highlightthe settingyouwish to change,then pressthe OKbutton.
4Choosean option,then pressthe OKbutton.
5Pressthe Menu buttonto exit.
Return to previousmenu. |
Liveview | On (default) |
Changeliveview default to on or off. | Off |
NOTE:In somemodes,theLCDturnsonevenif |
theliveviewoptionis setto Off.(Toturn |
theLCDon/offanytime,pressthe |
LCD/Infobutton.) |
Camera Sounds | All On |
Chooseto enable or disablesound effects. | camerafunctions. |
| Shutter |
| when you pressthe Shutter button. |
| All |
Auto Power Off | 10 minutes |
Chooseinactivitytime until cameraturns off. 5 minutes | |
| 3 minutes (default) |
| 1 minute |
Date & Time | Seepage 2. |
24 (_ | www, kodak, com/go/support |