Telephone customer support
If you have questions concerning this product, contact your customer support representative and have this information available:
Operatingsystem | Exacterror messageyou received |
Processorspeed(MHz) | Versionof KodakEasySharesoftwareCD |
Computermodel | Cameraserialnumber |
Amount of memory(MB) |
Australia |
| 1800 147701 |
Austria |
| 0179 567 357 |
Belgium | 027131445 |
| |
Brazil |
| 0800 150000 |
canada |
| 18004656325 |
China |
| 800 820 6027 |
Denmark |
| 38487130 |
Ireland |
| 01 407 3054 |
Finland |
| 0800 117056 |
France |
| 01 55 1740 77 |
Germany |
| 06950070035 |
Greece |
| 00800 44140775 | |
HongKong | 800901514 |
| |
India |
| 91 22617 5823 |
Italy | .......02 69633452 | ........ | |
Japan |
| 03 5540 9002 |
Korea |
| 007986310024 |
Netherlands | 020 346 9372 | |
New Zealand | 0800 440 786 | |
Norway | 23162133 | |
Philippines | 1 800 1 888 9600 | |
Poland | 00800 | 4411625 |
Portugal | 021 415 4125 | |
singapore | 8006363036 | |
spain | 91 749 76 53 | |
Sweden | 0858770421 | |
Switzerland | 01 838 53 51 | |
Taiwan | 0800096868 | |
Thailand | 001 800 631 0017 | |
Turkey | 00800448827073 | |
United Kingdom | 0870 243 0270 | |
UnitedStates ............. 1800 235 6325 | ||
| 585 781 6231 (toll) | |
International Toll Line | +44 | 131458 6714 |
InternationalToll Fax | +44 i3i458 6962 |
www.kodak.com/go/support | (_ | 43 |