@Batteryperformanceis reducedat temperaturesbelow41° F (5° C). Whenusing yourcamerain coldweather,carrysparebatteriesand keepthemwarm. Donot discardcold batteriesthat do not work; when theyreturn to room temperature, theymaybe usable.
Upgrading your software and firmware
Downloadthe latestversionsof the softwareincludedon the KodakEasyShare softwareCDandthe camerafirmware(the softwarethat runson the camera).See www.kodak.com/go/c533downloadsor www.kodak.com/go/c503downloads.
Additional care and maintenance
if the camerahasbeensubjectedto inclementweatheror you suspectwater has gotten insidethe camera,turn off the cameraand removethe battery andcard. Allow all componentsto
Blow gentlyonthe lensor LCDto removedust anddirt. Wipe gentlywith a soft,
Serviceagreementsmaybe availablein your country.Contacta dealerof Kodak productsfor moreinformation.
Fordigital cameradisposalor recyclinginformation,contactyour localauthorities. in the US,visit the ElectronicsIndustryAllianceWebsite at www.eiae.orgor the KodakWeb siteat www.kodak.com/go/c533downloadsor www.kodak.com/go/c503downloads.
Limited warranty
KodakwarrantsKodakEasySharedigital camerasand accessories(excluding
www, kodak, corn/go/support | (E(_ 51 |