Readylight glows steadyred.
Transferpicturesto the computer(page 12),delete picturesfrom the camera(page 10), switchimage storagelocations(page 23), or insert a cardwith availablememory(page3).
Wait. Resumepicture takingwhen the light turns green.
Changethe image storagelocationto internalmemory(page 23), or usea different card.
Readylight glows _ Camerais operatingnormally. steadygreen.
Camera/computer communications
Try one or more of the following
Thecomputerdoes not communicate
with the camera.
Cannot transfer pictures. (TheAdd New HardwareWizard cannot locate drivers.)
Visit www.kodak.com/go/c533supportor
Turnon the camera(page2).
Install new batteries(page 1)or chargerechargeablebatteries.
Seethe PowerManagementsectionof the laptop user'sguideto disablethis feature.
Connectcableto cameraandcomputerport (page 12).
Installthe software(page11).
Disconnectthe USBcable.Closeall open
Disconnectcamerafrom the computer.Closeall softwareapplications, reconnectcamera.
DisconnectUSBcable.(If usingcameradock or printer dock, disconnectcableand removecamerafrom dock). Closeall open
Disconnectthe USBcable.Closeall open
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