Using this product
Theuseof an accessoryattachmentthat is not recommendedbyKodak,suchas an ACadapter,maycausefire,electricshock,or injury.
Useonly a
If usingthis productin an airplane,observeall instructionsof the airline.
Battery safety and handling
When removing the battery, allow it to cool; it may be hot.
Useonly batteriesapprovedfor this productto avoid riskof explosion,
Keepbatteriesout of the reachof children.
Do not allow batteriesto touchmetalobjects,includingcoins.Otherwise,a battery mayshortcircuit,dischargeenergy,becomehot, or leak.
Do not disassemble,installbackward,or exposebatteriesto liquid, moisture,fire, or extremetemperature.
Do not
Removethe batterywhen the productisstoredfor anextendedperiodof time. in the unlikelyeventthat battery fluid leaksinsidethe product,contactKodak customersupport.
in the unlikelyeventthat batteryfluid leaksonto your skin,washimmediatelywith waterand contactyour local healthprovider.Foradditional
Disposeof batteriesaccordingto localand national regulations.
Formoreinformationon batteries,see www.kodak.com/global/en/service/batteries/batteryUsage.jhtml
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