If... |
Memorycardis | Inserta new card(page3), movethe switch on the cardto unlockthe |
locked(Insertnew | card,or changethe imagestoragelocation to internal memory |
memorycard) | (page23). |
| |
Readonly memory |
card. |
Removewrite |
protectionto |
captureor write to |
card. |
Memorycardis _ Inserta new card(page 3) orformat the card(page 25).
unusable(Insert Caution: Formatting a card deletes all pictures and videos, new memorycard) including protected files.
Dateand time | _ | Resetthe clock(page2). |
havebeenreset |
Noaddressbookin |
| Createand copyaddressbook from computer.Seethe Kodak |
camera(Connect |
| EasySharesoftware Help. |
with computerto |
import address |
book) |
Noalbum names |
| Createand copyalbum namesfrom computer.Seethe Kodak |
in camera |
| EasySharesoftware Help. |
(Connectwith |
computerto |
import album |
names) |
Highcamera |
| Leavethe cameraoff until it'scool to the touch, then turn it back on. |
temperature. |
(Camerawill be |
turned off.) |
40 (_ | www.kodak.com/go/support |