Selecting the Retrieval Tone Curve (USB controller only)
Images are stored on the controller’s internal hard drive in
None. The image is retrieved and stored as
with the “None
Saved with scan. The tone curve in effect when the image was captured is applied to the stored raw file. Initially the 8 Bits or 16 Bits radio buttons are set to the same setting used to capture the image. So, if the image was originally shot as an
From tone panel. The image is retrieved and the tone curve currently in effect in the Tone panel is applied. The default setting will be 8 Bits or 16 Bits per color, depending on the setting of the 16 Bits button on the Tone panel. Thus, if the Tone panel’s 16 Bits button is highlighted, the 16 Bits radio button in the File Manager will be checked. You may change this at any time prior to clicking the Retrieve button.
This option allows you to change the tone curve to a different one than the original image capture. This feature allows you to retrieve an image with different tone curves applied, or to remove any tone curve and retrieve a “raw” image for archival purposes.
DNG. This is a raw image format supported by Adobe. The image will be retrieved in the DNG format (a variant of TIFF) and when