Q:Why does the Power LED not light up constantly?
A:The power supply used might be at fault. Confirm that you are using the provided power supply DC 5V for the SkyIPCam310 and verify that the power supply is well connected.
Q:Why does the Link LED not light up properly?
A1: There might be a problem with the network cable. To confirm that the cables are working, PING the address of a know device on the network. If the cabling is OK and your network is reachable, you should receive a reply similar to the following (…bytes = 32 time = 2 ms).
Q:Why does the SkyIPCam310 work locally but not externally?
A1: Might be caused from the firewall protection. Need to check the Internet firewall with your system administrator.
A2: The default router setting might be a possible reason. Need to double check if the configuration of the default router settings is required.
Q:Why does a series of broad vertical white line appears through out the image?
A:A likely issue is that the CMOS sensor becomes overloaded when the light source is too bright such as direct exposure to sunlight or halogen light. You need to reposition the SkyIPCam310 into a more shaded area immediately as this will damage the CMOS sensor.
Q:There is bad focus on the SkyIPCam310, what should be done?
A1: The focus might not be correctly adjusted for the line of sight. You need to adjust the SkyIPCam310 focus manually as described in Adjust SkyIPCam310 Focus.
A2: There is no adaptor fitted with your
Q:Noisy images occur how can I solve the problem?
A:The video images might be noisy if the SkyIPCam310 is used is a very low light environment. To solve this issue you need more lighting.
Q:There is poor image quality, how can I improve the image?
A1: A probable cause might be the incorrect display properties configuration for your desktop. You need to open the Display Properties on your desktop and configure your display to show at least 65’000 colors for example at least
NOTE: Applying only 16 or 256 colors on your computer will produce dithering artifacts in the image.
A2: The configuration on the SkyIPCam310 image display is incorrect. Through the Web Configuration Image section you need to adjust the image related parameter for improve images such as brightness, contrast, hue and light frequency. Please refer to the Web Configuration section for detail information.
Q:There are no images available through the web browser?
A:The ActiveX might be disabled. If you are viewing the images from Internet Explorer make sure ActiveX has been enabled in the Internet Options menu. Alternatively, you can use the Java Applet for viewing the required images.