28 en ConfigurationDINION 5000 AN
Item | Selection | Description |
IR contrast | Enhanced, | Enhanced - the camera optimizes |
(mono) | Normal | contrast in applications with high IR |
| illumination levels. Select this mode |
| for IR (730 to 940 nm) light sources |
| and for scenes with grass and green |
| foliage. |
| Normal - the camera optimizes contrast |
| in mono applications with visible light |
| illumination. |
IR | 0 to +15 | Enter the strength of the external IR |
illumination |
| illumination to determine the night to |
(mono) |
| day transition moment. 0 is no IR |
| illuminator; +15 is very strong |
| illumination. |
Color burst | On, Off | Off - the color burst in the video signal |
(mono) |
| is switched Off in monochrome mode. |
| On - the color burst remains active |
| even in monochrome mode (required |
| by some DVRs and IP encoders). |
| Returns to main menu. |
| Installation Manual | Bosch Security Systems |