AXIS 210/211 - Glossary of Terms 55
switch (see below).
Simplex - In simplex operation, a network cable or communications channel can only send information in one direction.
SMTP - A common
Subnet Mask - An IP address consists of two components: the network address and the host address. “Subnetting’ enables a network administrator to further divide the host part of the address into two or more subnets. The subnet mask identifies the subnet to which an IP address belongs.
Switch - Whilst a simple hub transmits all data to all devices connected to it, a switch only transmits the data to the device it is specifically intended for.
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A suite of network protocols that determine how data is transmitted. TCP/IP is used on many networks, including the Internet. TCP keeps track of the individual packets of information and IP contains the rules for how the packets are actually sent and received.
Unicast - Communication between a single sender and a single receiver over a network. A new connection is established for each new user.
UPnP™ - An “address" on the network. UPnP is an architecture for
URL - Uniform Resource Locator. An “address" on the network.
Varifocal - A varifocal lens provides a wide range of focal lengths, as opposed to a lens with a fixed focal length, which only provides one.
Web server - A program on a computer (server) providing the resources (e.g. web pages) requested by the user (client).