33AXIS 206 - System Options
Wireless Settings
These settings control how the AXIS 206W interacts with the wireless network. Apart from identifying the wireless network, it is also possible to enable wireless encryption.
SSID - This is the name of the wireless network the AXIS 206W is configured for. The field accepts up to 32 alphanumeric characters. The name must be exactly the same as that used in the wireless access point, or the connection will not be established.
Leaving this field blank means the AXIS 206W will attempt to access the nearest open network.
Note: SSID is sometimes written as ESSID.
The AXIS 206W supports two security methods:
•WEP (Wired Equivalent Protection) - 64 and 128 bit key lengths are supported. See below.
WEP - Authentication - Select Open or Shared Key System Authentication, depending on the method used by your access point. Not all access points have this option, in which case they probably use Open System. Open System may also be called SSID Authentication.
WEP - Key length - This sets the length of the key used for the wireless encryption.
Note that the encryption key length can sometimes be shown as 40/64 and 104/128.