Axis Communications user manual Discover the IP address for the Axis 206W

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AXIS 206 - Install the AXIS 206W 16

9.Wait at least 10 seconds for the settings to take effect and then restart the camera by disconnecting and reconnecting the power cable.

Discover the IP address for the AXIS 206W

If you set the IP address manually, you can now access the camera’s web interface simply by starting a browser and entering the IP address.

If you selected Obtain IP address via DHCP, you have several options:

Reconnect the USB cable, browse to the camera as before, and restart the AXIS Setup Tool. The DHCP-assigned address will be displayed in the tool.

If you are using e.g. a home broadband router, you may find it convenient to view the router’s administration pages to discover which IP address has been assigned to your AXIS 206W. Please consult the router’s documentation for further information.

If your network has an Internet connection (with no HTTP proxy), use the AXIS Dynamic DNS Service to assign your camera a DNS name, which is then used to access the camera. See page 11 for more information.

If your network uses automatic IP addressing (DHCP) and your computer uses the UPnPservice, the AXIS 206W will automatically be detected and displayed on your screen.

Use AXIS IP Utility 2.0 to discover the IP address. See the CD included with the product.

Set up the AXIS 206W on other operating systems

To set up the AXIS 206W on other operating systems (Linux/Unix/Mac), follow these steps:

1.Connect the camera to the computer via the USB cable. This allows you to access the camera as a USB Mass Storage device.

2.Browse to and open the file config.txt and enter the encryption keys, the SSID network name, the IP address, etc. The wireless settings entered here should be identical to those previously configured in your wireless access point.

3.Save the file, wait at least 10 seconds for the settings to take effect and then restart the camera to enable the wireless connection.

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Contents User’s Manual About this Document Trademark Acknowledgments Contents Axis 206 About this manual Product Family FeaturesAll models share the following features Axis 206W Additional Features Axis 206M Additional FeaturesFront Rear panel Overview Axis 206/206MFront Overview Axis 206WAxis 206 & Axis 206M LED IndicatorsMounting Install the Axis 206/206MAxis Internet Dynamic DNS Service One-click InstallationSet the IP address RequirementsFollow these instructions UPnPSet the IP address manually Axis IP UtilityAutomatic discovery Windows Syntax Manual Installation with ARP/PingSet up the wireless connection Windows Install the Axis 206WDiscover the IP address for the Axis 206W Set up the Axis 206W on other operating systemsSelect the language and password Access the CameraAccess From a Browser Setup System Options Network TCP/IP Advanced Access from the InternetTo focus FocusingLive View Image and Layout Configuration Basic Configuration Overview of the Setup toolsLive View Config Video & ImageLanguage Using the Setup toolsImage Settings Overlay Settings Live View Config LayoutVideo Stream Action ButtonsAMC Axis Media Control Settings Customizing the default Upload Own Web Files Live View Config Html ExamplesSelect your own files Own HomeDate & Time System OptionsUsers Button Network Basic TCP/IP SettingsIP Address Configuration DNS Configuration Network Advanced TCP/IP SettingsNAT traversal port mapping Status of Wireless Networks Wireless Settings Axis 206W onlySecurity Wireless SettingsSmtp email LED SettingsSupport MaintenanceConfiguration Using the Control Button Resetting to the Factory Default SettingsSupported Web Browsers Technical SpecificationsApprovals EMC Upgrading the Firmware TroubleshootingChecking the Firmware Recover the Axis 206/AXIS 206M Emergency Recovery ProcedureAxis Support Symptoms, Possible Causes and Remedial ActionsStatus and Network indicator LEDs are flashing red Browser freezes Glossary of Terms Wired LAN Axis 206 Index IndexPort mapping Snapshot button 20 SpecificationsUSB cable connector Users Video stream View size