1.No power: Verify that the Ground, +BATT, and remote cables are securely attached to the amp, the connection at the + terminal of the battery is secure, the remote
2.Power light on, no output: Turn the audio system off (source unit and amplifier), check output signal connections from the source unit and input signal connections at the amp. Remove speaker wires and test for open connections or shorts with a digital
3.Amp turns on and shuts off: Turn the audio system off (source unit and amplifier). Remove the speaker wires and test for open connections or shorts with a digital
4.No sound from one side: Check the speaker connections, input connections, balance control on the source unit, and then check the speakers for shorts with the digital
5.Low sound from both radio and CD: Check the radio’s fader control and the amplifier’s input sensitivity.
6.Amplifier shuts down after long play times: If the light is turned off, then the amp is probably in thermal protection due to poor ventilation (see amplifier installation instructions for causes of high operating temperature). If the amp has good ventilation, check the speaker impedance to verify that it is above the suggested load rating. With it running, verify that you have more than 11 volts at the +BATT portion of the amp and that you have 4 gauge power cable and the proper fuse rating at the fuse holder near the vehicle battery.
7.Amplifier shutting off and LED flashing off and on: This is an indication of low or high voltage at the +BATT or the remote portion of the amp. Test the +BATT and the remote portion of the amp with a digital
8.Whining noise that increases with acceleration: This is what is known as a ground loop. To verify if the noise is being generated by a bad ground or the RCA cables, remove the RCA cables from the amp (make sure they are shielded from touching the chassis) and turn the system back on. If the noise persists, then the problem is ground related. If the noise stops, then it is being radiated into the amp via the RCA cables. If the noise is being radiated by the RCA cables, simply
MTX amplifiers purchased in the USA from an authorized MTX dealer are guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship for the period of 1 year from the date purchased by the end user if the product is installed by an authorized MTX dealer, and 90 days if installed by the consumer. Product found to be defective during that period will be repaired or replaced by MTX at no charge. This warranty is void if it is determined that unauthorized parties have attempted repairs or alterations of any nature. Warranty does not extend to cosmetics or finish. Before presuming a defect is present in the product, be certain that all related equipment and wiring is functioning properly. MTX disclaims any liability for other incurred damages resulting from product defects. Any expenses in the removal and reinstallation of products are not covered by this warranty. MTX’s total liability will not exceed the purchase price of the product. If a defect is present, your authorized MTX dealer may be able to effect repairs.
Proof of purchase is required when requesting service, so please retain your sales receipt, and take a moment to register your product online @ www.mtx.com.