Server Push
The Serverpush method, or pushing the live stream to the Windows Media streaming server is the default streaming option on the Content Server.
For streaming, enter the following information:
The server name of your external Windows Media streaming server or (local) if you are using the Content Server Windows Media streaming server.
Add the port which will be 8080 if you are using the Content Server
Add filename base. The filename base should be an alphanumeric entry with no spaces and no special characters. Underscores are allowed. The streaming path under Writer Information should be: mms:\\<server name>\<filename_base>
If you have set up a publishing point on the Windows Media streaming server, you can copy the parameters for your new publishing point by specifying the Publishing point copy.
If your publishing point on the Windows Media streaming server is called “my_publishing_point”, enter my_publishing_point in the Publishing point copy field.