JVC" Product Registration | IMPORTANT: Please |
10 days or Log to JVC.com and register
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Thank yout We appreciate your responses to this questionnaire.
The information you choose to share with us will be used by JVC to offer you product information and other communications that may interest you.
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Date of Purchase
Model Number
Serial Number
Purchase Price
1)Did you:
-Purchase this product your self?
-Receive this product as a gift?
2)Is this Product:
-The first product of this type you have ever owned?
-A replacement for a similar JVC product?
-A replacement for a similar product made by another company?
-An addition to a similar product you are still using?
3)What factors most influenced your decision to purchase this product?
-JVC brand reputation
-Previous experience with JVC products
-Specific product features
-Warranty coverage
5)Your Gender:
6)Your Marital Status
7)What is your approximate annual
household income level?
-Under $25,000
-$25,000 - $49,000
-$50,000 - $74,000
-$75,000 - $99,000
-$100,000 and over
4)How did you learn about this product?
-Magazine Advertisement
-Newspaper Advertisement
-TV/Radio Announcement
-Product Brochure
-Direct Mail
-Mail Order Catalog
-Friend/Relative Recommendations
-Salesperson/Store Recommendation
-Dealer Event
JVC Thanks you for completing this questionnaire.
Your responses will help us reach you with offers that may Interest you.
If you prefer not to receive these offers please check here { }
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