IOP Data Recording and Display When Pickup and
The IOP value labeled on the
Record Precedure:
1.While pressing the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and[ÊÊ]pbutton, connect the power plug to the outlet, and release the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and[ÊÊ]p button.
2.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “[Service]”, and press the [YES] button.
3.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “lop.Write” (C28), and press the [YES] button.
4.The display becomes “Ref=@@@.@” (@ is an arbitrary number) and the numbers which can be changed will blink.
5.Input the IOP value written on the optical
To select the number : Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob.
To select the digit | : Press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob. |
6.When the [YES] button is pressed, the display becomes “Measu=@@@.@” (@ is an arbitrary number).
7.As the adjustment results are recorded for the 6 value. Leave it as it is and press the [YES] button.
8.“Complete!” will be displayed momentarily. The value will be recorded in the
9.Press the [REPEAT] button to complete. “Standby” will be displayed.
Display Precedure:
1.While pressing the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and [ÊÊ]p button, connect the power plug to the outlet, and release the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob and [ÊÊ]p button.
2.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “[Service]”, and press the [YES] button.
3.Rotate the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± knob to display “lop.Read” (C27).
4.“@@.@/##.#” is displayed and the recorded contents are displayed. @@.@ : indicates the Iop value labeled on the
##.# : indicates the Iop value after adjustment
5.To end, press the [ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAMSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ]- ± button or [MENU/NO] button to display “Iop Read”. Then press the [REPEAT] button to display “Standby”.
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