Clear timers
This feature clears all call timers (except for the life timer) for the
See “Call timers” on page 25 for more details.
1.Press Menu 2-5-4 (Call log - Call timers - Clear timers)
2.Enter security code at Security code: and press OK
Careful: Clearing call timers can not be undone. If you are using the call timers to log or track the amount of time you are using your phone, you may wish to record the call timers before you erase them.
Note: The life timer can not be reset. See “Life timer” on page 42 for details.
You can program your phone’s clock two different ways: you can either use the time and date information that’s provided by the wireless system, or you can set it yourself with your own time.
You can also choose to hide the clock if you prefer.
Note: Your phone also features an alarm clock. See page 17 for details.
By default, the date and time is automatically set to your phone by your wireless system. If you wish to override the system clock, do the following:
Setting your own time
1.Press Menu
2.Press τ to Time settings, press Select
3.Press τ to Set clock, press Select again
4.Enter the current time, then press OK (time will appear in hh:mm)
5.Enter the current date, then press OK (date will appear in mm/dd/yyyy)
Selecting time format
If you choose am/pm format, you will notice a small indicator that appears to the right of the displayed time. If the indicator is at the top, it’s in am; if on the bottom, it’s in pm.
1.Press Menu 4-2-1 (Settings - Phone settings - Clock)
2.Press τ to Time format and press Select
3.Press τ to either
4.Press OK
If the time is not automatically available because you are outside of the digital network, or you wish to revert back to the wireless system’s time, do the following:
Setting the network clock
1.Press Menu
2.Press τ to Time settings, press Select
3.Observe the text: Set by network, press Select again
If you choose Set by network, your phone will display Time is set.
Note: If you use the Set by network option while outside your digital network, you will be prompted to enter your own time (see above). Network time will replace the time you set once you
Note: If your battery has been removed or has drained outside the digital network, you will be prompted to enter your own time only if the battery is replaced or recharged while still outside of the digital network (see above).
Displaying or hiding the clock
1.Press Menu
2.Press τ to either Hide clock or Display clock (only one will display depending on the current setting)
3.Press Select