L The call and counters managed by your mobile phone might differ from the ones used by your operator. You should therefore consider the call counters displayed on the screen as informative items, but NOT as the actual charge rate basis.
The <- Euro menu enables you to convert a sum from Euros by entering the
Euro -> amount and pressing ,.
L The currency used for the conversion is determined by the country where you have subscribed. The Euro converter is available upon subscription and only in countries using the Euro.
Memory status
This menu allows you to display the percentage of memory available in your phone. Several features share the mobile capacity (images, own melodies, etc.). Press ,to check the memory status showing the memory used out of the total amount available, and press ,again to access the list.
L If "List full" appears when saving a new item or to free memory space, you must delete an item (e.g,, a name or an event) to be able to create or add a new one.
This menu provides the following functions:
Addition | By pressing the *key. |
Subtraction | By pressing the *key twice. |
Multiplication | By pressing the *key 3 times. |
Division | By pressing the *key 4 times. |
Equals | By pressing the #key. |
Enter the figures using the keypad. Calculator accuracy is to 2 decimal places and is rounded up to the higher decimal figure. Press eto correct the numbers. Press and hold 0to get the dot. Press and hold etwice to return to idle mode.
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