Fred has released his PTT button, then begins to receive Julie’s response.
a b
Group Ready 3:Electricia ID:Julie
S Off | Sts |
Jason receives Julies’s response.
After the Secondary Talkgroup call is completed, all receiving subscriber units’ displays will revert to their Primary Talkgroup of the selected Talkgroup Mode.
Turning Scan On and Off
Fred’s Display
a b
Group Ready
3:Tg 3 |
ID:Julie |
S Off | Sts |
Jason’s Display
The capability to turn scan on and off is available as an option key.
1.Press the “Scan” option key.
Press the “S Off” soft option key to disable scan.
a | b | a | b |
Group Ready | Group Ready | ||
18:Engineers | |||
S Off | Sts | Scan | Sts |
Scan Enabled | Scan Disabled |
When Scan is disabled, you will not have access to your Secondary Talkgroups
Aliasing Talkgroup Mode
The r750plus phone allows you to Alias Talkgroup Modes and Primary and Secondary Talkgroups.
1.Press *, #, 2, 5.
2.Select “Ok”.
3.At “Add New Entry” select “Ok”.
NOTE: Press l or r to Edit or Erase a Talkgroup Mode Alias.
4.Enter the ID of the desired talkgroup mode and press “Store”.
NOTE: The Aliased Modes are displayed only while scrolling through the Talk- group Mode or during Direct Entry. In an idle or transmission state, the Mode ID number is displayed. This ensures that the Mode ID num- ber and Primary Talkgroup are displayed simultaneously on screen.
5.Then enter the name of the desired talkgroup mode alias and press “Store”.