Additional Phone Services
Receiving a Call
You can receive calls on either line, regardless of the active line setting.
•If you receive a call on the currently active line, that icon simply flashes.
•If you receive a call on the line that is not currently active, the active line icon remains lit and the alternate line icon flashes.
Receiving a Call on Your Alternate Line
1.Select “Yes” to answer the call on the other line. Your
previous call will be placed on hold.
2. Do one of the following:
• To end the call, press e.
• Or, to place the current call on hold, or to toggle between calls, press n, then select “Hold”.
When the call ends, the phone remains active in the last active line selected.
Receiving a Phone Call Using Speakerphone
Select “Spkr” to activate the speakerphone.
Missed Call Indicator
Your r750plus phone notifies you of received, but unanswered, phone calls. If you subscribe to Caller ID, the caller’s phone number is stored in your Last 10 Calls Received list. Your screen displays a flashing message, for example, “2 Rcvd Calls”, with the number of missed calls.
Press any key to clear the flashing indicator. To retrieve the missed calls:
1.From the Phone Ready screen, press n. The menu options change to “Calls” and “Spd#”.
2.Select “Calls”. The Rcvd Calls screen opens with the number, time, and date of the last call that you received.
3.Scroll to continue viewing the list.
a djb
Phone Ready
2 Rcvd Calls
Name Mail
a djb
Phone Ready Line1
10:42a 11/06 Calls Spd#
a djb
Rcvd Calls 1=5552222
10:42a 11/06 Cancl Store