receiving attachments 54 text messages 56
rechargeable battery. See battery recipients, sending to multiple 55 recording, videos 69
recurring appointments. See repeating appointments
Region page 92 regional settings 92 Regional Settings page 92 regulatory numbers 114 reminders
tasks and 77 turning on and off 90
removing expansion cards 83 items from folders 82
Rename/Move command 85 renaming, items in folders 82 Repeat check box 90 Repeat command 73 repeat patterns 76 repeating appointments 76 repeating sounds 90 repeating tasks 77
reset button 39 resetting smart device 39 Resolution command 68 restoring sound settings 89 retrieving voicemail 29 Return key 17
reverse type 13
Right button (navigator) 11
Ring type list 37 ringer switch 5, 89 ringer volume 38 ringer, adjusting volume 3 ringer, silencing 28, 89 ringtone IDs 38 ringtones
assigning to contacts 33, 38, 74 previewing 37
selecting 37 roaming 37 Roaming message 21 Roaming setting 37 Running Programs screen 19
safety guidelines 101 Save As command 80 Save password check box 51 Save to Drafts command 54 saving
documents 79, 80 phone numbers 30
adding items to 76, 77 managing 76 viewing daily 75
Index | 127 |